Wing commander privateer commodities
Wing commander privateer commodities

  • AR makers for enemies can sometimes be seen through walls in Star Marine.
  • AI ships can often get stuck in the middle of their motion and not advance further.
  • NPC beacon notifications will sometimes display an incorrect distance.
  • Players may experience stalls in performance shortly after loading into Star Marine and firing weapons.
  • Carriable boxes may fall through the flooring.
  • Purchased commodities will often visually not appear in the ship’s hold.
  • If the quantum travel marker is at the edge of a moon or planet they can QT through the moon and explode.
  • Elevators at Port Tressler and Everus Harbor may not show up when called.
  • The Combine Cannon and distortion weapons are not working sa intended.
  • wing commander privateer commodities

  • The 890 Jump does not have the correct cargo capacity.
  • Countermeasures are not working as intended to deter missiles.
  • Claimjumper missions may occasionally lack markers or spawn NPCs.
  • Purchasing at shops may occasionally fail.
  • NPCs may sometimes be doing usable animations in places that they shouldn’t.
  • Ships and characters on kiosks and the PMA/VMA will occasionally be missing assets or have assets over-sized.
  • While mining with the Prospector or the Mole the cargo hold will periodically fill or empty.
  • Work-around: Keep a secondary weapon handy and swap between them
  • Weapons may occasionally not fire when used.
  • If a player’s ship is destroyed after bed logout they will return to the server at origin.
  • Rentals and/or rental timers may not work when renting a second ship.
  • Work-around: Hover before landing and request services just above the pad.
  • CryAstro services may not work at various stations and major ports.
  • The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. Our current plan is to continue iterating and working towards additional improvements in incremental 3.8.X patches and beyond. With the introduction of major features and tech, such as SOCS, additional polish and improvements will be required. We are aware stability may not fully match that of 3.7.2.


    The ancient alien artifact is the main plot device in Privateer and players will find numerous factions willing to either kill you or ally themselves with you in order to get close to it.Alpha Patch 3.8.0 has been released to LIVE! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.8.0- LIVE.3917186. If his mission is accepted, the players will keep the artifact in their possession and learn more about it as they progress through the game and fly missions for the game's various fixers.

    wing commander privateer commodities

    As collateral he offers you a mysterious object which he claims is an ancient alien artifact. Sandoval wishes to hire you for a simple cargo run delivering iron to a refinery base. There in the bar of New Detroit, players will find a fixer named Sandoval. When players are ready to begin the storyline missions, they must first go to the New Detroit base. When flying from one location to another, Confed and Militia patrols may scan your cargo hold for contraband. These commodities range from agricultural goods to textiles to weaponry to electronics and even to illegal drugs and slaves. Not all bases have both Guilds, some have either, and some even have none.Īdditionally to earning credits, players can also buy commodities from one base and sell them to another. There is also a Merchant's and Mercenary's Guild in which the player pays a membership fee and is able to sign up for higher paying missions. The miscellaneous missions can be obtained from a mission computer located on any bases. The different types of missions available are: patrol, attack, cargo, and bounty. Players earn credits by completing various types of missions as well. The story missions can be taken on whenever the player wishes to. The game has a huge sandbox style, allowing the player to go wherever he/she chooses. On these -planets players can take on various missions that can be obtained from mission computers and interacting with people.

    wing commander privateer commodities

    The main gameplay is made up of space combat and flying, traversing the universe grouped into star systems and landing on planets and bases. Players can choose to become a pirate, a merchant, a mercenary or a combination of the three. Some of them will always attack the player on sight, others will only attack if the player has choosen to become their enemy. The game is set in the Wing Commander universe and it contains seven factions: Merchants, Bounty hunters, Retros (religious group), Pirates, Militia, the Terran Confederation and the Kilrathi.

    Wing commander privateer commodities